Pastor Steve Winter
2006-06-11 03:42:46 UTC
Listed below are 2 photos of Rev. Steve Winter. I thought that you would
like to see what Rev. Winter
looks like and who is sending all the bashing post into
the Christnet Newsgroups.
The putrid and vile false-christian scum Larry Pearson shows whatlike to see what Rev. Winter
looks like and who is sending all the bashing post into
the Christnet Newsgroups.
a low life piece of false-christian trash he really is as he
violates the law and publishes copyrighted photos.
Is there any depth too low for a malicious false-christian scum
like Larry Pearson when he gets frustrated because he cannot
defend the stupid garbage he believes against a real preacher?
Pastor Winter
Apostolic Oneness Pentecostal /*/ PreRapture Ministry for Bible studies (text and audio)
Have you obeyed Acts 2:38 as Paul taught in Acts 19:4-6?
Apostolic Oneness Pentecostal /*/ PreRapture Ministry for Bible studies (text and audio)
Have you obeyed Acts 2:38 as Paul taught in Acts 19:4-6?