2006-06-03 15:57:58 UTC
From: "®MAX®" <®MAX®@MaximumImpact.XL>
Subject: Prayer for The Path
Prefer not to get into specifics, but I would ask any in this group
who feel led to do so to pray that a major step in my life is met with
God's Blessing, and that He lights the proper Path to travel. Moreso,
I ask that my goals and decisions would be in alignment with His Way
for my life and accomplish His good work - and perfect me as His Word
says He will.
I'm ready, and able, and not too scared... but as the fateful day
approaches, I am getting nervous. Not that I don't believe that God
will carry me and lead me, but that I won't do the right things or
will mess up somehow and just make a joke of it all.
So I really need prayer that I'll be Blessed in this forthcoming
metamorphosis, that those I come in contact with will be equally
Blessed, and most of all that God will be Blessed by it all.
Respectfully and In His Name.
Subject: Prayer for The Path
Prefer not to get into specifics, but I would ask any in this group
who feel led to do so to pray that a major step in my life is met with
God's Blessing, and that He lights the proper Path to travel. Moreso,
I ask that my goals and decisions would be in alignment with His Way
for my life and accomplish His good work - and perfect me as His Word
says He will.
I'm ready, and able, and not too scared... but as the fateful day
approaches, I am getting nervous. Not that I don't believe that God
will carry me and lead me, but that I won't do the right things or
will mess up somehow and just make a joke of it all.
So I really need prayer that I'll be Blessed in this forthcoming
metamorphosis, that those I come in contact with will be equally
Blessed, and most of all that God will be Blessed by it all.
Respectfully and In His Name.