Christnet is Unmoderated
(too old to reply)
Larry Pearson
2006-05-14 18:52:09 UTC
Greetings: Just a quick note to say that all the Christnet Newsgroups are
unmoderated. Please send a message to your ISP Internet Service Provider
request that the newsgroups be unmoderated.

Thank you for your time in this matter

In His Service
Larry Pearson
::: veralein :::
2006-05-18 17:13:55 UTC
From: " ::: veralein :::" <:::veralein:::@lycos.com>
Subject: Re: Christnet is Unmoderated
Post by Larry Pearson
Greetings: Just a quick note to say that all the Christnet Newsgroups
are now
unmoderated. Please send a message to your ISP Internet Service
Provider and
request that the newsgroups be unmoderated.
Thank you for your time in this matter
In His Service
Larry Pearson
But Larry,

if gay heretics can post here and link to their heretic websites:
was there a moderation? We have that everywhere else, so why should we
post here? I confess I have not even looked much here lately for just
that reason.

I also think you are a little impatient. First the groups were closed,
and all had to look for different place, then you open the groups and
even many more and moderate them - and most posts went wrong somehow,
and you think that all the people come back right away to spread the
word. I wonder what they might have done without you??? Not spread the

Sorry, but I am really very disappointed of how you have handled this
here - for which reason ever.

There is no need for 1000 new newsgroups as long as some would be
moderated well and "gay Christians" would have been stopped to spread
their lies here. This group (as well as the others) is mainly "Ninure
Saunders", just "google" for her. For those who do not know yet: "The
Lord is her shepherd, and he knows she is gay." But you were informed.

You gave it one more week? Why did you open the groups, Larry? For
heretics to post there in large numbers? It would be better to close
them again.

God bless you.

::: vera :::

::::::: http://www.acc-growing-deeper.de :::::::
::::::: http://www.acc-growing-deeper.de/Israel.htm :::::::
::::::: http://www.e-sword.net :::::::
Larry Pearson
2006-05-18 17:48:10 UTC
Post by ::: veralein :::
Subject: Re: Christnet is Unmoderated
But Larry,
where was there a moderation? We have that everywhere else,
so why should we post here? I confess I have not even looked
much here lately for just that reason.
Veralein I will be monitoring all the post and also I will be reporting
to usenet-abuse any bashing, flaming, xxx, anything that is not proper
for the Christnet Newsgroups.
Post by ::: veralein :::
I also think you are a little impatient. First the groups were closed,
and all had to look for different place, then you open the groups and
even many more and moderate them - and most posts went wrong somehow,
and you think that all the people come back right away to spread the
word. I wonder what they might have done without you??? Not spread the
No I am not a little impatient. It is that Christnet was in 1994
and then Max Borisoff and I discussed and came to the point that the
would be moderated. Then we had a company that was doing the moderation for
us. They have going out of business. I will be doing monitoring for the
and the door is open for all to join in for debates, fellowship, discussions
Veralein now we will have a LOT of prople that will debate issues and the
now that Christnet is unmoderated, BUT Monitored.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Sorry, but I am really very disappointed of how you have handled this
here - for which reason ever.
Why should you be disappointed of how I handled it. I am the only person
that was doing the moderating no one ask if they could help or even offered
to help. I had 1 guy in Tenn that said oh let me help you with the
newsgroups I said that is a Blessing....... Did he help NO.
Post by ::: veralein :::
There is no need for 1000 new newsgroups as long as some would be
moderated well and "gay Christians" would have been stopped to spread
their lies here. This group (as well as the others) is mainly "Ninure
Saunders", just "google" for her. For those who do not know yet: "The
Lord is her shepherd, and he knows she is gay." But you were informed.
Veralein that is where you come into play is if someone is wrong and tell
you and I and evryone at Christnet corrects that person with the Word of God
we are the army of God and we know the Truth and that is where we are
Post by ::: veralein :::
You gave it one more week? Why did you open the groups, Larry? For
heretics to post there in large numbers? It would be better to close
them again.
Veralein regardless of heretics or antone as for as that goes, everyone
need to
hear about the Lord and His work and what He has instore for them. We are
not here for ourselfs but to spread The Word of the Lord, and to help save
many as we can. We all have a mission and me must do it with the Blessing
of our Lord. If our doors are closed then who do we minister the Word of the
Lord to? No one. So the doors of Christnet is open and all Faiths,
and all people are welcome at Christnet. We as the children of God must
that and tell these people about our Lord and minister to them with the Word
of God.

God Bless and keep you always
Larry Pearson
::: veralein :::
2006-05-18 21:09:31 UTC
From: " ::: veralein :::" <:::veralein:::@lycos.com>
Subject: Re: Christnet is Unmoderated
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
Subject: Re: Christnet is Unmoderated
But Larry,
where was there a moderation? We have that everywhere else,
so why should we post here? I confess I have not even looked
much here lately for just that reason.
Veralein I will be monitoring all the post and also I will be
to usenet-abuse any bashing, flaming, xxx, anything that is not proper
for the Christnet Newsgroups.
I disagree. But it is your group, so you can do whatever you please.

Linking to "gay Christian" websites thousandfold is not proper
for the Christnet Newsgroups.
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
I also think you are a little impatient. First the groups were
closed, and all had to look for different place, then you open the
groups and even many more and moderate them - and most posts went
wrong somehow, and you think that all the people come back right
away to spread the word. I wonder what they might have done without
you??? Not spread the word?
No I am not a little impatient. It is that Christnet was in 1994
and then Max Borisoff and I discussed and came to the point that the
would be moderated. Then we had a company that was doing the
moderation for us. They have going out of business. I will be doing
monitoring for the newsgroups
and the door is open for all to join in for debates, fellowship,
discussions Maybe
Veralein now we will have a LOT of prople that will debate issues and
the Bible
now that Christnet is unmoderated, BUT Monitored.
Well, I cannot see much difference. The "gay Christians" leave their
smelly message with every post they publish here "monitored" or
"moderated" by you.
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
Sorry, but I am really very disappointed of how you have handled this
here - for which reason ever.
Why should you be disappointed of how I handled it. I am the only
person that was doing the moderating no one ask if they could help or
even offered to help.
That is not true. Do you have a short memory?

I offered my help in my e-mail to you, dated March 15th (maybe 14th in
America). Just look it up.
Post by Larry Pearson
I had 1 guy in Tenn that said oh let me help
you with the Christnet
newsgroups I said that is a Blessing....... Did he help NO.
I would have helped, be sure. And I offered help.
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
There is no need for 1000 new newsgroups as long as some would be
moderated well and "gay Christians" would have been stopped to spread
their lies here. This group (as well as the others) is mainly "Ninure
Saunders", just "google" for her. For those who do not know yet: "The
Lord is her shepherd, and he knows she is gay." But you were
Veralein that is where you come into play is if someone is wrong and
tell lies
you and I and evryone at Christnet corrects that person with the Word
of God we are the army of God and we know the Truth and that is where
we are different.
We have done this in alt.christnet.christianlife with her for years
now - to no avail. We hoped that the moderated groups would make a
difference - but the gay have already taken over.
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
You gave it one more week? Why did you open the groups, Larry? For
heretics to post there in large numbers? It would be better to close
them again.
Veralein regardless of heretics or antone as for as that goes,
everyone need to
hear about the Lord and His work and what He has instore for them.
Yes, but not from false teachers in "moderated" newsgroups.
Post by Larry Pearson
We are not here for ourselfs but to spread The Word of the Lord, and
to help save as
many as we can.
That is so true, and that is what I am doing - but this place is not
only place in the world to do this. In fact, I would prefer if no-one
came here to be mislead. It is even worse here than in a real
unmoderated group, because people know that there are trolls and false
teachers - but how can they reackon with that in your "Christian"
newsgroups if they think they are moderated???

Why is it so important for you that many many people post in your
Post by Larry Pearson
We all have a mission and me must do it with the
Blessing of our Lord. If our doors are closed then who do we minister
the Word of the Lord to? No one. So the doors of Christnet is open
and all Faiths, Religions
and all people are welcome at Christnet. We as the children of God
must except
that and tell these people about our Lord and minister to them with
the Word of God.
No, sorry, but that is rubbish.

After the first and second warning, reject a man of heresy, knowing
he who is such has been perverted, and sins, being self-condemned.
(Titus 3:10-11)
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and traded the
glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of
corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed animals, and creeping
things. Therefore God also gave them up in the lusts of their hearts
uncleanness, that their bodies should be dishonored among themselves,
who exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the
creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For
reason, God gave them up to vile passions. For their women changed the
natural function into that which is against nature. Likewise also the
men, leaving the natural function of the woman, burned in their lust
toward one another, men doing what is inappropriate with men, and
receiving in themselves the due penalty of their error. Even as they
refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up to a
mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all
unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness,
maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil habits,
slanderers, backbiters, hateful to God, insolent, haughty, boastful,
inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without
covenant-breakers, without natural affection, unforgiving, unmerciful;
who, knowing the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things
are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also approve of those
practice them. (Romans 1:22-32)

"Behold, I come quickly. My reward is with me, to repay to each man
according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the
Last, the Beginning and the End. Blessed are those who do his
commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and
enter in by the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, the
sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and
everyone who loves and practices falsehood. I, Jesus, have sent my
to testify these things to you for the assemblies. I am the root and
offspring of David; the Bright and Morning Star." (Revelation
Post by Larry Pearson
God Bless and keep you always
Larry Pearson
I am so sorry, but under these circumstances I will have to spread the
Word (the one that comes from God and not from Ninure Saunders)
somewhere else and leave the heretics and those who foster them among
themselves. Ninure Saunders has proved to be an unrepentant gay false
teacher over years.

Your group, have fun.

::: vera :::

::::::: http://www.acc-growing-deeper.de :::::::
::::::: http://www.acc-growing-deeper.de/Israel.htm :::::::
::::::: http://www.e-sword.net :::::::
Larry Pearson
2006-05-18 21:52:01 UTC
Post by ::: veralein :::
Subject: Re: Christnet is Unmoderated
Veralein who is talking about gays? Not I and I am not linking their sites
to the Christnet Newsgroups.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
where was there a moderation? We have that everywhere else,
so why should we post here? I confess I have not even looked
much here lately for just that reason.
It is up to you Veralein to post are not. I have only taking control of
Christnet Newsgroups because I and Max Borisoff created these
Newsgroups in 1994 and Not God Rest His Soul Max Passed Away
and NO ONE came forward to revive the Christnet Newsgroups. I had
to do it. No One Else Veralein came forward.
Post by ::: veralein :::
I disagree. But it is your group, so you can do whatever you please.
No it is just not my groups it is for everyone. Christnet has an open door
policy, if people quit judging others and start spreading the Gospel and
be Christians then this world and all will be a Blessing.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Linking to "gay Christian" websites thousandfold is not proper
for the Christnet Newsgroups.
Veralein I have said befor Christnet Newsgroups is not linking to gay
the butt stops here. No gay websites is linked to Christnet.
Check out my website http://www.kwem.com it is an Asian Fashions & Imports
website I sell Asian and Hawaiian clothes for men women and children

Check out Christnet website http://www.kwem.com/christnet.html
There you will see all the Christnet Newsgroups and all the information that
you will need for Christnet.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
First the groups were closed, and all had to look for different place,
then you open the groups and even many more and moderate them
and most posts went wrong somehow, and you think that all the people
come back right away to spread the word. I wonder what they might have
done without you??? Not spread the word?
I never closed the Christnet Newsgroups it was Max Borisoff "Wife" that did
When I foundout that Max passed away that is when I reopened the Christnet
and now I have unmoderated the Christnet.

No I do not think that all the people will come back, that is fine with me.
But there
is a whole world of people out there and the word is getting out about the
Newsgroups and soon there will be more debates and discussions than you can
Post by ::: veralein :::
We have done this in alt.christnet.christianlife with her for years
now - to no avail. We hoped that the moderated groups would make a
difference - but the gay have already taken over.
That Veralein is alt.christnet newsgroups not Christnet groups a small
non-big 8
newsgroup the ones that you were at is a alt christnet.

That is not here. about the gays, that is there at atl christnet.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
You gave it one more week? Why did you open the groups, Larry? For
heretics to post there in large numbers? It would be better to close
them again.
No I will not close the door to Christnet Usenet Newsgroups. I will
monitor them and set rules and report abuse but I will not close the doors.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Yes, but not from false teachers in "moderated" newsgroups.
Gos has given us the choice to choose right from wrong, Good and evil
to listen to false teachings or not. God has given you the choice.

If there was someone on Christnet teaching the wrong thing, that is where
we come into play and set he/she on the right path.
Post by ::: veralein :::
That is so true, and that is what I am doing - but this place is not
the only place in the world to do this. In fact, I would prefer if no-one
came here to be mislead. It is even worse here than in a real
unmoderated group, because people know that there are trolls and false
teachers - but how can they reackon with that in your "Christian"
newsgroups if they think they are moderated???
Why is it so important for you that many many people post in your
I did not say it was important that people post into the Christnet
Post by ::: veralein :::
No, sorry, but that is rubbish.
Ok Veralein if you think Christnet is rubbish that is your right.
Post by ::: veralein :::
I am so sorry, but under these circumstances I will have to spread the
Word (the one that comes from God and not from Ninure Saunders)
somewhere else and leave the heretics and those who foster them among
themselves. Ninure Saunders has proved to be an unrepentant gay false
teacher over years.
Your group, have fun.
God Bless you Veralein hope that you find what you are looking for.

If you ever decide to come back remember the door is opened.

In His Service
Larry Pearson
::: veralein :::
2006-05-18 23:17:28 UTC
From: " ::: veralein :::" <:::veralein:::@lycos.com>
Subject: Re: Christnet is Unmoderated
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
Subject: Re: Christnet is Unmoderated
Veralein who is talking about gays? Not I and I am not linking their
sites to the Christnet Newsgroups.
No, and you do not hinder them, either. Well, it is not really my
problem, but it might be yours one day. I will pray for you.

Why have you mixed my posts, by the way???
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
where was there a moderation? We have that everywhere else,
so why should we post here? I confess I have not even looked
much here lately for just that reason.
It is up to you Veralein to post are not. I have only taking control
of Christnet Newsgroups because I and Max Borisoff created these
Newsgroups in 1994 and Not God Rest His Soul Max Passed Away
and NO ONE came forward to revive the Christnet Newsgroups. I had
to do it. No One Else Veralein came forward.
That might have been better than what it is now. What we have now is
several more platforms for spamming gay false teachers to spread their
false gospel. Should I congratulate you?
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
I disagree. But it is your group, so you can do whatever you please.
No it is just not my groups it is for everyone. Christnet has an
open door policy, if people quit judging others and start spreading
the Gospel and
be Christians then this world and all will be a Blessing.
You perfectly know that this weill only be the case when Jesus comes
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
Linking to "gay Christian" websites thousandfold is not proper
for the Christnet Newsgroups.
Veralein I have said befor Christnet Newsgroups is not linking to gay
the butt stops here. No gay websites is linked to Christnet.
Try these, for example - they are the sigs of this gay lady (maybe
have not got it yet???):

Russ T. Nale


. Ninure Saunders aka Rainbow Christian

My Yahoo Group

Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
Post by Larry Pearson
Check out my website http://www.kwem.com it is an Asian Fashions &
Imports website I sell Asian and Hawaiian clothes for men women and
Check out Christnet website http://www.kwem.com/christnet.html
There you will see all the Christnet Newsgroups and all the
information that you will need for Christnet.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
First the groups were closed, and all had to look for different
place, then you open the groups and even many more and moderate
and most posts went wrong somehow, and you think that all the
people come back right away to spread the word. I wonder what they
might have done without you??? Not spread the word?
I never closed the Christnet Newsgroups it was Max Borisoff "Wife"
that did that
When I foundout that Max passed away that is when I reopened the
Christnet and now I have unmoderated the Christnet.
No I do not think that all the people will come back, that is fine
with me. But there
is a whole world of people out there and the word is getting out
about the Christnet
Newsgroups and soon there will be more debates and discussions than
you can count.
Post by ::: veralein :::
We have done this in alt.christnet.christianlife with her for years
now - to no avail. We hoped that the moderated groups would make a
difference - but the gay have already taken over.
That Veralein is alt.christnet newsgroups not Christnet groups a small
non-big 8
newsgroup the ones that you were at is a alt christnet.
That is not here. about the gays, that is there at atl christnet.
No, you have them here, the dozen - or one in I do not know how many
alter egos.

It is all Ninure Saunders aka Russ T. Nail aka whatever else

I hope that Christians who take God's Word seriously will not post
anymore. We would not stay at a church where gays preach homosexuality
is be a virtue, either, wouldn't we?
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
You gave it one more week? Why did you open the groups, Larry? For
heretics to post there in large numbers? It would be better to
close them again.
No I will not close the door to Christnet Usenet Newsgroups. I will
monitor them and set rules and report abuse but I will not close the
So why did you write you wanted to moderate it?

And where is your comment about my offer to help you???

And no excuse for this e-hemm untruth??? Nobody offered help, huh? But
maybe my help was not good enough, and you prefer help from a gay.
Sorry, I cannot offer you that.
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
Yes, but not from false teachers in "moderated" newsgroups.
Gos has given us the choice to choose right from wrong, Good and evil
to listen to false teachings or not. God has given you the choice.
Yes, He is great. And God can also reveal false teachers through His
people, go figure. Some listen, some do not. They prefer to foster sin
rather than righteousness, and all under the label "right to free
speech". Not that you get me wrong: I do not mind her posting here,
I mind her linking to the gay sites.
Post by Larry Pearson
If there was someone on Christnet teaching the wrong thing, that is
where we come into play and set he/she on the right path.
WHERE IS THAT??? I am trying hard, but you do not help.

Have you really seen the websites she links to all the time?
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
That is so true, and that is what I am doing - but this place is not
the only place in the world to do this. In fact, I would prefer if
no-one came here to be mislead. It is even worse here than in a real
unmoderated group, because people know that there are trolls and
false teachers - but how can they reackon with that in your
"Christian" newsgroups if they think they are moderated???
Why is it so important for you that many many people post in your
I did not say it was important that people post into the Christnet
Post by ::: veralein :::
No, sorry, but that is rubbish.
Ok Veralein if you think Christnet is rubbish that is your right.
You have taken my sentence out of context. That is really rather
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
We all have a mission and me must do it with the
Blessing of our Lord. If our doors are closed then who do we minister
the Word of the Lord to? No one. So the doors of Christnet is open
and all Faiths, Religions
and all people are welcome at Christnet. We as the children of God
must except
that and tell these people about our Lord and minister to them with
the Word of God.
No, sorry, but that is rubbish.
After the first and second warning, reject a man of heresy, knowing
he who is such has been perverted, and sins, being self-condemned.
(Titus 3:10-11)
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and traded the
glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of
corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed animals, and creeping
things. Therefore God also gave them up in the lusts of their hearts
uncleanness, that their bodies should be dishonored among themselves,
who exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the
creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For
reason, God gave them up to vile passions. For their women changed the
natural function into that which is against nature. Likewise also the
men, leaving the natural function of the woman, burned in their lust
toward one another, men doing what is inappropriate with men, and
receiving in themselves the due penalty of their error. Even as they
refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up to a
mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all
unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness,
maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil habits,
slanderers, backbiters, hateful to God, insolent, haughty, boastful,
inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without
covenant-breakers, without natural affection, unforgiving, unmerciful;
who, knowing the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things
are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also approve of those
practice them. (Romans 1:22-32)
"Behold, I come quickly. My reward is with me, to repay to each man
according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the
Last, the Beginning and the End. Blessed are those who do his
commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and
enter in by the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, the
sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and
everyone who loves and practices falsehood. I, Jesus, have sent my
to testify these things to you for the assemblies. I am the root and
offspring of David; the Bright and Morning Star." (Revelation
You have also snipped the Scripture. Do you ignore Scripture?

I did not write the christnet was rubbish, but the "wisdom" from you -
which I proved by Scripture, which you snipped. You put some false
into my mouth, deliberately. Hard to believe. Larry, it is the second
lie from you in a short time.
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
I am so sorry, but under these circumstances I will have to spread
the Word (the one that comes from God and not from Ninure Saunders)
somewhere else and leave the heretics and those who foster them among
themselves. Ninure Saunders has proved to be an unrepentant gay false
teacher over years.
Your group, have fun.
God Bless you Veralein hope that you find what you are looking for.
It does not matter if "I" find what I am looking for. It only matters
what God wants me to do. He wants me to take a clear stand for His
which I am doing. Should you ever have the wish to correct your
your lie, and your unfair play with my last post, my mail-box will
always be open for you.
Post by Larry Pearson
If you ever decide to come back remember the door is opened.
I will pray for you.
Post by Larry Pearson
In His Service
Larry Pearson
::: vera :::
Larry Pearson
2006-05-19 00:04:24 UTC
Hello Veralein: Good to see you again.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Subject: Re: Christnet is Unmoderated
No, and you do not hinder them, either. Well, it is not really my
problem, but it might be yours one day. I will pray for you.
You are right Veralein you do not hinder them. I will
not permit any foul language, I will not permit xxx, or
bashing, or flaming of users on Christnet.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Why have you mixed my posts, by the way???
Mixed your post? I only approve them and send them what
do you mean?
Post by ::: veralein :::
That might have been better than what it is now. What we have now is
several more platforms for spamming gay false teachers to spread their
false gospel. Should I congratulate you?
No Veralein I do not want you to congratulate me at all. I do not want
you to even feel sorry at all. I only sat back and look at the big picture
I have too much to do to sat on my do nothing, and Do Nothing.
Post by ::: veralein :::
You perfectly know that this weill only be the case when Jesus comes
That is why I created more Christnet Newsgroups christnet.end.times
and so on. Because we need more end time groups. Because it will not
be long til He Comes back.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Try these, for example - they are the sigs of this gay lady (maybe
Russ T. Nale
. Ninure Saunders aka Rainbow Christian
My Yahoo Group
Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
I will check them out and see Veralein what they are about.
Post by ::: veralein :::
No, you have them here, the dozen - or one in I do not know how many
alter egos.
It is all Ninure Saunders aka Russ T. Nail aka whatever else
I hope that Christians who take God's Word seriously will not post
here anymore. We would not stay at a church where gays preach
Post by ::: veralein :::
is be a virtue, either, wouldn't we?
Veralein Please I will only check out Russ Nail and their website also.
If you do not wish to post here that is you, I can not control you. I whish
all the best and God's speed.
Post by ::: veralein :::
So why did you write you wanted to moderate it?
Veralein I tried to moderate the groups but I own my own Business
and also I have 10 Acres of land to take care of and a 5 bedroom home
80,000 gallon swimming pool I do not have the time I have a Son and a
Daughter a wolf, a Husky, 4 cats so my hands are full.
Post by ::: veralein :::
And where is your comment about my offer to help you???
I never said you was the one to offer to help me, It was Frosty out
of Tenn. That wanted to help.
Post by ::: veralein :::
And no excuse for this e-hemm untruth??? Nobody offered help, huh? But
maybe my help was not good enough, and you prefer help from a gay.
Sorry, I cannot offer you that.
Here is a post from Doc "Frosty" out o Tenn.

I hate your leaf thing above. It takes a month of forevers to start your
As to your question, I am rendered clueless. I've never attempted to
moderate a
newsgroup before.


I logged onto christnet.bible and did a test post it sent the message to 1
of the
christnet e-mail accounts. I just got the test message how do you approve
message for posting in christnet.bible


But he backed out and I had no one to help, so that is one reason the
are unmoderated. I have no help and I do not have that much time.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Yes, He is great. And God can also reveal false teachers through His
people, go figure. Some listen, some do not. They prefer to foster sin
rather than righteousness, and all under the label "right to free
speech". Not that you get me wrong: I do not mind her posting here,
but I mind her linking to the gay sites.
Ok I said I will check it out and see if it is a gay site or not, If it is
the linking
will stop.
Post by ::: veralein :::
WHERE IS THAT??? I am trying hard, but you do not help.
I have done a lot. It has taken months to get Christnet back on it's feet,
and 100's
of hours of time spend everyday. It takes a lot. Not just sat down at a
and just start typing.

I have sent 100's of control messages, and also and 100's of booster
for the Christnet Newsgroups. I am helping if it was not for the control
and the booster messages you may not have a non-big 8 Christnet
Post by ::: veralein :::
Have you really seen the websites she links to all the time?
No I have not but I will take a look at it and see. If it is trash
I will not permit it at Christnet.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
That is so true, and that is what I am doing - but this place is not
the only place in the world to do this. In fact, I would prefer if
no-one came here to be mislead. It is even worse here than in a real
unmoderated group, because people know that there are trolls and
false teachers - but how can they reackon with that in your
"Christian" newsgroups if they think they are moderated???
Ok if you feel that way go ahead and do what you have to do.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
Why is it so important for you that many many people post in your
Number 1 is that we have to have posters here to keep the newsgroups
going, if we do not have 100's or 1000's of post into the Christnet
they will be droped because they are a non-big 8 NOT a alt.christnet
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
No, sorry, but that is rubbish.
I am sorry if you feel that way about ministering to these people about the
Word of God. I am sorry if you think that is rubbish.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
After the first and second warning, reject a man of heresy, knowing
he who is such has been perverted, and sins, being self-condemned.
(Titus 3:10-11)
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and traded the
glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of
corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed animals, and creeping
things. Therefore God also gave them up in the lusts of their hearts
uncleanness, that their bodies should be dishonored among themselves,
who exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the
creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For
reason, God gave them up to vile passions. For their women changed the
natural function into that which is against nature. Likewise also the
men, leaving the natural function of the woman, burned in their lust
toward one another, men doing what is inappropriate with men, and
receiving in themselves the due penalty of their error. Even as they
refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up to a
mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all
unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness,
maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil habits,
slanderers, backbiters, hateful to God, insolent, haughty, boastful,
inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without
covenant-breakers, without natural affection, unforgiving, unmerciful;
who, knowing the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things
are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also approve of those
practice them. (Romans 1:22-32)
"Behold, I come quickly. My reward is with me, to repay to each man
according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the
Last, the Beginning and the End. Blessed are those who do his
commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and
enter in by the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, the
sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and
everyone who loves and practices falsehood. I, Jesus, have sent my
to testify these things to you for the assemblies. I am the root and
offspring of David; the Bright and Morning Star." (Revelation
You have also snipped the Scripture. Do you ignore Scripture?
No I do not ignore Scripture. It is that I reply to your questions and
answers. That is all.
Post by ::: veralein :::
I did not write the christnet was rubbish, but the "wisdom" from you -
which I proved by Scripture, which you snipped. You put some false
into my mouth, deliberately. Hard to believe. Larry, it is the second
lie from you in a short time.
What are you keeping count.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
I am so sorry, but under these circumstances I will have to spread
the Word (the one that comes from God and not from Ninure Saunders)
somewhere else and leave the heretics and those who foster them among
themselves. Ninure Saunders has proved to be an unrepentant gay false
teacher over years.
Ok it is between you and God, The Newsgroups are here when you get ready.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
Your group, have fun.
God Bless you Veralein hope that you find what you are looking for.
It does not matter if "I" find what I am looking for. It only matters
what God wants me to do. He wants me to take a clear stand for His
which I am doing. Should you ever have the wish to correct your
your lie, and your unfair play with my last post, my mail-box will
always be open for you.
Post by ::: veralein :::
If you ever decide to come back remember the door is opened.
I will pray for you.
Thank you for coming by and God Bless and Keep you always in His love and

and thank you for praying for me I need your prayers.

In His Service
Larry Pearson
Larry Pearson
2006-05-19 02:38:47 UTC
Post by ::: veralein :::
Subject: Re: Christnet is Unmoderated
Post by ::: veralein :::
Subject: Re: Christnet is Unmoderated
Try these, for example - they are the sigs of this gay lady (maybe
Russ T. Nale
. Ninure Saunders aka Rainbow Christian
My Yahoo Group
Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
I have checked out the websites listed above and they are as you said.

I will not permit their websites to be advertise on Christnet Newsgroups.

In His Service

Larry Pearson
Larry Pearson
2006-05-19 02:57:31 UTC
I have added filters now and hope and pray that the ones
you listed below the messages will not be posted.

Larry Pearson...........................
Post by ::: veralein :::
Subject: Re: Christnet is Unmoderated
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
Subject: Re: Christnet is Unmoderated
Veralein who is talking about gays? Not I and I am not linking their
sites to the Christnet Newsgroups.
No, and you do not hinder them, either. Well, it is not really my
problem, but it might be yours one day. I will pray for you.
Why have you mixed my posts, by the way???
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
where was there a moderation? We have that everywhere else,
so why should we post here? I confess I have not even looked
much here lately for just that reason.
It is up to you Veralein to post are not. I have only taking control
of Christnet Newsgroups because I and Max Borisoff created these
Newsgroups in 1994 and Not God Rest His Soul Max Passed Away
and NO ONE came forward to revive the Christnet Newsgroups. I had
to do it. No One Else Veralein came forward.
That might have been better than what it is now. What we have now is
several more platforms for spamming gay false teachers to spread their
false gospel. Should I congratulate you?
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
I disagree. But it is your group, so you can do whatever you please.
No it is just not my groups it is for everyone. Christnet has an
open door policy, if people quit judging others and start spreading
the Gospel and
be Christians then this world and all will be a Blessing.
You perfectly know that this weill only be the case when Jesus comes
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
Linking to "gay Christian" websites thousandfold is not proper
for the Christnet Newsgroups.
Veralein I have said befor Christnet Newsgroups is not linking to gay
the butt stops here. No gay websites is linked to Christnet.
Try these, for example - they are the sigs of this gay lady (maybe
Russ T. Nale
. Ninure Saunders aka Rainbow Christian
My Yahoo Group
Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
Post by Larry Pearson
Check out my website http://www.kwem.com it is an Asian Fashions &
Imports website I sell Asian and Hawaiian clothes for men women and
Check out Christnet website http://www.kwem.com/christnet.html
There you will see all the Christnet Newsgroups and all the
information that you will need for Christnet.
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
First the groups were closed, and all had to look for different
place, then you open the groups and even many more and moderate
and most posts went wrong somehow, and you think that all the
people come back right away to spread the word. I wonder what they
might have done without you??? Not spread the word?
I never closed the Christnet Newsgroups it was Max Borisoff "Wife"
that did that
When I foundout that Max passed away that is when I reopened the
Christnet and now I have unmoderated the Christnet.
No I do not think that all the people will come back, that is fine
with me. But there
is a whole world of people out there and the word is getting out
about the Christnet
Newsgroups and soon there will be more debates and discussions than
you can count.
Post by ::: veralein :::
We have done this in alt.christnet.christianlife with her for years
now - to no avail. We hoped that the moderated groups would make a
difference - but the gay have already taken over.
That Veralein is alt.christnet newsgroups not Christnet groups a small
non-big 8
newsgroup the ones that you were at is a alt christnet.
That is not here. about the gays, that is there at atl christnet.
No, you have them here, the dozen - or one in I do not know how many
alter egos.
It is all Ninure Saunders aka Russ T. Nail aka whatever else
I hope that Christians who take God's Word seriously will not post
anymore. We would not stay at a church where gays preach homosexuality
is be a virtue, either, wouldn't we?
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
Post by ::: veralein :::
You gave it one more week? Why did you open the groups, Larry? For
heretics to post there in large numbers? It would be better to
close them again.
No I will not close the door to Christnet Usenet Newsgroups. I will
monitor them and set rules and report abuse but I will not close the
So why did you write you wanted to moderate it?
And where is your comment about my offer to help you???
And no excuse for this e-hemm untruth??? Nobody offered help, huh? But
maybe my help was not good enough, and you prefer help from a gay.
Sorry, I cannot offer you that.
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
Yes, but not from false teachers in "moderated" newsgroups.
Gos has given us the choice to choose right from wrong, Good and evil
to listen to false teachings or not. God has given you the choice.
Yes, He is great. And God can also reveal false teachers through His
people, go figure. Some listen, some do not. They prefer to foster sin
rather than righteousness, and all under the label "right to free
speech". Not that you get me wrong: I do not mind her posting here,
I mind her linking to the gay sites.
Post by Larry Pearson
If there was someone on Christnet teaching the wrong thing, that is
where we come into play and set he/she on the right path.
WHERE IS THAT??? I am trying hard, but you do not help.
Have you really seen the websites she links to all the time?
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
That is so true, and that is what I am doing - but this place is not
the only place in the world to do this. In fact, I would prefer if
no-one came here to be mislead. It is even worse here than in a real
unmoderated group, because people know that there are trolls and
false teachers - but how can they reackon with that in your
"Christian" newsgroups if they think they are moderated???
Why is it so important for you that many many people post in your
I did not say it was important that people post into the Christnet
Post by ::: veralein :::
No, sorry, but that is rubbish.
Ok Veralein if you think Christnet is rubbish that is your right.
You have taken my sentence out of context. That is really rather
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
We all have a mission and me must do it with the
Blessing of our Lord. If our doors are closed then who do we minister
the Word of the Lord to? No one. So the doors of Christnet is open
and all Faiths, Religions
and all people are welcome at Christnet. We as the children of God
must except
that and tell these people about our Lord and minister to them with
the Word of God.
No, sorry, but that is rubbish.
After the first and second warning, reject a man of heresy, knowing
he who is such has been perverted, and sins, being self-condemned.
(Titus 3:10-11)
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and traded the
glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of
corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed animals, and creeping
things. Therefore God also gave them up in the lusts of their hearts
uncleanness, that their bodies should be dishonored among themselves,
who exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the
creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For
reason, God gave them up to vile passions. For their women changed the
natural function into that which is against nature. Likewise also the
men, leaving the natural function of the woman, burned in their lust
toward one another, men doing what is inappropriate with men, and
receiving in themselves the due penalty of their error. Even as they
refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up to a
mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all
unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness,
maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil habits,
slanderers, backbiters, hateful to God, insolent, haughty, boastful,
inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without
covenant-breakers, without natural affection, unforgiving, unmerciful;
who, knowing the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things
are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also approve of those
practice them. (Romans 1:22-32)
"Behold, I come quickly. My reward is with me, to repay to each man
according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the
Last, the Beginning and the End. Blessed are those who do his
commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and
enter in by the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, the
sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and
everyone who loves and practices falsehood. I, Jesus, have sent my
to testify these things to you for the assemblies. I am the root and
offspring of David; the Bright and Morning Star." (Revelation
You have also snipped the Scripture. Do you ignore Scripture?
I did not write the christnet was rubbish, but the "wisdom" from you -
which I proved by Scripture, which you snipped. You put some false
into my mouth, deliberately. Hard to believe. Larry, it is the second
lie from you in a short time.
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
I am so sorry, but under these circumstances I will have to spread
the Word (the one that comes from God and not from Ninure Saunders)
somewhere else and leave the heretics and those who foster them among
themselves. Ninure Saunders has proved to be an unrepentant gay false
teacher over years.
Your group, have fun.
God Bless you Veralein hope that you find what you are looking for.
It does not matter if "I" find what I am looking for. It only matters
what God wants me to do. He wants me to take a clear stand for His
which I am doing. Should you ever have the wish to correct your
your lie, and your unfair play with my last post, my mail-box will
always be open for you.
Post by Larry Pearson
If you ever decide to come back remember the door is opened.
I will pray for you.
Post by Larry Pearson
In His Service
Larry Pearson
Larry Pearson
2006-05-19 18:01:45 UTC
Post by Larry Pearson
I have added filters now and hope and pray that the ones
you listed below the messages will not be posted.
Larry Pearson.........................
Glad to see you here, Ha there is debates going on
in christnet.admin maybe you would like to check it

the 3 people They are chatting about Steve Winter,
Jimmy Swaggart, and Robert Sowle, Jim & Tammy.

Sounds like it is a pretty hot debate.

In His Service
Larry Pearson

::: veralein :::
2006-05-19 01:27:35 UTC
From: " ::: veralein :::" <:::veralein:::@lycos.com>
Subject: Re: Christnet is Unmoderated
Post by Larry Pearson
Greetings: Just a quick note to say that all the Christnet Newsgroups
are now
unmoderated. Please send a message to your ISP Internet Service
Provider and
request that the newsgroups be unmoderated.
Thank you for your time in this matter
In His Service
Larry Pearson
But Larry,

if gay heretics can post here and link to their heretic websites:
was there a moderation? We have that everywhere else, so why should we
post here? I confess I have not even looked much here lately for just
that reason.

I also think you are a little impatient. First the groups were closed,
and all had to look for different place, then you open the groups and
even many more and moderate them - and most posts went wrong somehow,
and you think that all the people come back right away to spread the
word. I wonder what they might have done without you??? Not spread the

Sorry, but I am really very disappointed of how you have handled this
here - for which reason ever.

There is no need for 1000 new newsgroups as long as some would be
moderated well and "gay Christians" would have been stopped to spread
their lies here. This group (as well as the others) is mainly "Ninure
Saunders", just "google" for her. For those who do not know yet: "The
Lord is her shepherd, and he knows she is gay." But you were informed.

You gave it one more week? Why did you open the groups, Larry? For
heretics to post there in large numbers? It would be better to close
them again.

God bless you.

::: vera :::

::::::: http://www.acc-growing-deeper.de :::::::
::::::: http://www.acc-growing-deeper.de/Israel.htm :::::::
::::::: http://www.e-sword.net :::::::
::: veralein :::
2006-05-19 17:45:32 UTC
From: " ::: veralein :::" <:::veralein:::@lycos.com>
Subject: Re: Christnet is Unmoderated
Post by Larry Pearson
I have added filters now and hope and pray that the ones
you listed below the messages will not be posted.
Larry Pearson...........................

::: vera :::
::: veralein :::
2006-05-19 17:49:10 UTC
From: " ::: veralein :::" <:::veralein:::@lycos.com>
Subject: Re: Christnet is Unmoderated
Post by Larry Pearson
Post by ::: veralein :::
Try these, for example - they are the sigs of this gay lady (maybe
Russ T. Nale
. Ninure Saunders aka Rainbow Christian
My Yahoo Group
Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
I have checked out the websites listed above and they are as you said.
I will not permit their websites to be advertise on Christnet
Larry, that is great news!!! I am so glad I am not the only one who
does not consider homosexuality "a gift from God". I am sorry for
having been rude and persisting in this case, but I really cannot
accept her lies and false teaching and felt obliged. I hope you can
forgive me my hard words. My offer to help you still exists, of
Post by Larry Pearson
In His Service
Larry Pearson
God bless you,

::: vera :::