2006-10-14 02:27:47 UTC
From: "Patrick" <***>
Subject: setting a captive free & salvation
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 01:57:25 GMT
pray for the Holy Spirit to do a work in Emily's heart for salvation,
also for her heart to be set free from the bondage that her
exboyfriend has on her, she moved to Florida to put distance between
them, pray that her eyes & mind would be opened to see him for what he
is, & the lies he is telling her, so that she will resist the
temptation of living with him again in sexual sin, & that the enemy of
her soul would not have a victory & foot hold in drawing her away from
Jesus. If she does fall into sin with him that those things which
seemed so sweet in the past would become bitter so that she may seek
for Jesus who is the only answer for the hunger & thirst that she is
looking to fill. And that God would send Christian across her path
daily! also pray for her Family Dane (brother) Barb (mom) & Tom (her
dad who is greatly decieved by satan & has been a budhist for 10 yrs,
he took his family out of church when Emily & Dane where still little
children. Pray that the Holy Spirit not give them rest until they
accept Jesus
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Subject: setting a captive free & salvation
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 01:57:25 GMT
pray for the Holy Spirit to do a work in Emily's heart for salvation,
also for her heart to be set free from the bondage that her
exboyfriend has on her, she moved to Florida to put distance between
them, pray that her eyes & mind would be opened to see him for what he
is, & the lies he is telling her, so that she will resist the
temptation of living with him again in sexual sin, & that the enemy of
her soul would not have a victory & foot hold in drawing her away from
Jesus. If she does fall into sin with him that those things which
seemed so sweet in the past would become bitter so that she may seek
for Jesus who is the only answer for the hunger & thirst that she is
looking to fill. And that God would send Christian across her path
daily! also pray for her Family Dane (brother) Barb (mom) & Tom (her
dad who is greatly decieved by satan & has been a budhist for 10 yrs,
he took his family out of church when Emily & Dane where still little
children. Pray that the Holy Spirit not give them rest until they
accept Jesus
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